dimanche 21 septembre 2014

Chad Kerley HUNT part

I can't write a blog about street sports without talking about Chad Kerley at least once. This BMX rider is a street killer, no matter how the spot looks like.
Chad Kerley is 20 years old and lives in San Diego (CA). He is sponsored by Nike, Gopro, Dan's 360, Markit and Cinema BMX.


His most popular video on youtube is his HUNT part from April 2012. Filmed in only 12 days, it is from far one of the best street BMX edits on the web. The filming is excellent, not shaky, good luminosity... really nothing to say and the tricks are so clean and done with style!
His manual lines are endless and the uprails he hits are tremendous. The first part of the video is really sick especially the halfcab bar to manual to icepick on a rail. The second part is even more amazing. All the tricks are bangers, the combos are awesome, the gaps are massive and the last  trick is incredible.
He won several competitions such as the X-Games in the street part.

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